Since 1993
The Healing to Wholeness Journey
My life's journey has lead me to a passion for the healing of others. I have suffered some of life's most difficult moments that are common to so many others. I wanted to be free of all those hurts. I did not want to be scarred for life. But I had little access to good counsellors. I rarely had the money to spend on years of therapy. But I always had time for a book. Some of those books were a tremendous help to me and I have many stories of helping people with the same help I received by learning the techniques I will share with you.
I gained access to some great training and began to offer help to my friends. We all began to see results and little by little started to enjoy freedom from pain where we had formerly been stuck.
Learning how the mind works and learning how God works makes healing much easier. It is also much easier to forgive others from a position of healing

What next?
For those who want to become better at life, and don't have access to a coach or counselor and couldn't afford it if they did, sometimes the best solution is a good story written just for you. See if you can identify with me or my friends and find your own healing by joining in the process.